Bannside Library recently hosted its first members event.

The Library was filled to capacity with 48 members and friends attending. It marked 50 years since the events of 1966 which proved a pivotal time in the history of Northern Ireland. It was in July of 1966 that Ian Paisley was first imprisoned along with two of his Ministerial colleagues.

The event included a morning tour of Crumlin Road Prison where his three month sentence was served in full. Lunch was taken in the Scullery Kitchen where he worked as an inmate! Returning after lunch to the Library, a panel discussion continued the event.

Running alongside is an exhibition of personal papers and items from the Library archive which will continue to be on public display until the end of June. These include the handwritten manuscript for the book on the Epistle of The Romans which Ian Paisley wrote during his imprisonment and which remains on sale today having been reprinted in several edition over the past 50 years. A commemorative booklet is also available – for details see our Book of the Month and Online Store.

Guest chairman for the panel was Mr G Johnston, whose father was the organist at the Sunday morning services which Ian Paisley established in the Prison after his release. Panel guests were Dr B Green, London; Dr J Douglas, Lisburn; Baroness E Paisley, and Mrs S Huddleston (eldest child of Ian and Eileen).

We are delighted to be able to bring you this two part panel online through our website!

Part One:

Part Two: