Bannside Library, 135-139 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast
Reading Room – Dexter
The Commandments of Jesus | Robert F Horton | DX1A1 |
The New Testament and its Transmission | George Milligan | DX1A2 |
The Principle Truths of our Holy Religion | Thomas F Ward | DX1A3 |
The Historic Church | J C V Durrell | DX1A4 |
Sabbath Evening readings | John Cumming | DX1A5 |
Dogmatic Catechism | Frassinetti | DX1A6 |
Catechism of the Catholic Religion Canons of the first Four General Councils of Nicaea, Constantinople, | Joseph Deharbe | DX1A7 |
Ephesis and Cholcedon | William Bright | DX1A8 |
Liberal Religious Thought | W Copeland Bowie | DX1A9 |
Lectures on the Church of God | F G Patterson | DX1A10 |
The Eucharist (law and practice) | P Durieux | DX1A11 |
Annals of the Christian Church | Mrs Parker | DX1A12 |
Victorian Nonconformity | John Briggs and Ian Sellers | DX1A13 |
Aspects of Protestantism | A Herbert Gray | DX1A14 |
The Faith of our Fathers | James Cardinal Gibbons | DX1A15 |
Not the Whole Truth | John C Heenan | DX1A16 |
The New Order | J B S | DX1A17 |
The Impending Crisis | J A Wylie | DX1A18 |
The Bible for Young People | H Oort and I Hooykaas | DX1A19 |
Life of Matt Talbot | Sir Joseph A Glynn | DX1A20 |
A Cardinal and His Conscience | Graham Hope | DX1A21 |
Grace, Grit and Gumption | Geraint Fielder | DX1A22 |
Sharia Law | Denis MacEoin | DX1A23 |
Building and Battling for God | Brian Green | DX1A24 |
Building and Battling for God | Brian Green | DX1A25 |
Valiant for the Truth | Ben C Pierce | DX1A26 |
Valiant for the Truth | Ben C Pierce | DX1A27 |
Valiant for the Truth | Ben C Pierce | DX1A28 |
Victorious Christian who changed the world | Peter Hammond | DX1A29 |
Victorious Christian who changed the world | Peter Hammond | DX1A30 |
Victorious Christians who changed the world | Peter Hammond | DX1A31 |
Victorious Christians who changed the world | Peter Hammond | DX1A32 |
Victorious Christians who changed the world | Peter Hammond | DX1A33 |
Love Revolution | Gaylord Enns | DX1A34 |
What happens at the Mass | William Barden | DX1A35 |
Robert Hugh Benson: The Angelic Cardinal | Reginald Pole & C M Anthony | DX1A36 |
The glories of the Sacred Heart | Henry Edward | DX1A37 |
Catholic Profiles Series1 | Michael de la Bedoye | DX1A38 |
Modernism | Cardinal Mercier | DX1A39 |
Catholic Social Guild Pamphlets Series 2 | Henry Parkinson | DX1A40 |
Pope Pius X77- Priest and Statesman | Kees Van Hoek | DX1A41 |
Instructions for first Confession | F H Jaegers | DX1A42 |
Selected Papal Encyclicals and Letters Vol II 1931-37 | Pius X | DX1A43 |
The Pope and the People | Pope Lea XIII | DX1A44 |
Buddhism | Christmas Humphreys | DX1A45 |
The Divine Redeemer and His Church | Edward Douglas | DX1A46 |
Works of Rev Robert Hawker DD Vol 2 | John Williams | DX1B1 |
Second Series of Lectures to my Students | C H Spurgeon | DX1B2 |
The early Church and the World | Cecil John Cadoux | DX1B3 |
Book Of Fire | Brian Mognahan | DX1B4 |
Chambers Dictionary of World History | Bruce P Lenman and Katharine Boyd | DX1B5 |
The Thirteenth Century 1216-1307 | Sir Maurice Powicke | DX1B6 |
Authority in Religion | J H Leckie | DX1B7 |
History of the Scottish Church Vol II | W Stephen | DX1B8 |
Illuminating Angels and Demons | Simon Cox | DX1B9 |
The Power, Passion and Purpose of Prayer | R H Creane | DX1B10 |
The King James Bible- Its History and Excellence | J R Broome | DX1B11 |
Faith and Rationalism | George P Fisher | DX1B12 |
A Short History of Ireland | J C Beckell | DX1B13 |
Cautions for the Times | Anon | DX1B14 |
Christian Hymn-Writers | Elsie Houghton | DX1B15 |
A Testimony Founded For Ever | James H Sightler | DX1B16 |
Anatomy of the Vatican | Paul Hofmann | DX1B17 |
Testimony of St Paul to Christ | R J Knowling | DX1B18 |
The Classic Collection on Prayer | E H Bounds | DX1B19 |
The Eucharist- Pasch of Gods People | J M R Tillard | DX1B20 |
The Dawn of the English Reformation | Henry Warsley | DX1B21 |
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church | Malachi Martin | DX1B22 |
Destinies and Perils of the Church | E EB Elliott | DX1B23 |
Our Protestant Heritage | W St Clair Taylor | DX1B24 |
Catholic Belief | Joseph Faa Di Bruno | DX1B25 |
Peace of Soul | Fulton Sheen | DX1B26 |
Catholic Church in Modern World | E E Y Hales | DX1B27 |
White Robe, Black Robe | Charles L Mee | DX1B28 |
The Cecil King Diary 1970-74 | Cecil King | DX1B29 |
Faith and Modern Man | Romano Gaurdini | DX1B30 |
A Modern Priest looks at his Outdated Church | James Kavanagh | DX1B31 |
Milner Refuted | Charles Hastings Collette | DX1B32 |
Spititual Exercises | St Ignatius | DX1B33 |
New Southern Presbyterian Review | Morecraft | DX1C1 |
Leaders of the Church Dr Liddon | George W E Russell | DX1C2 |
Digest of the Law of Evidence | James Fitzjames Stephen | DX1C3 |
Him that Endured | E W Rodgers | DX1C4 |
The Life of Sir George Williams | J E Hodder Williams | DX1C5 |
The English Country Parson | William Addison | DX1C6 |
A Leader Led | Guy H King | DX1C7 |
More Things that Matter | Lord Riddell | DX1C8 |
The Law Relating to Sunday | Philip F Skottowe | DX1C9 |
The Origin of the Jesuit | James Brodrick | DX1C10 |
The Jesuits Memorial for the Intended Reformation of England under | Edward Gee | DX1C11 |
Their First Polish Prince | ||
The Jesuits Their Moral Maxims | J A Wylie | DX1C12 |
Gurys Doctrine of the Jesuits | M Paul Bert | DX1C13 |
Gurys Doctrine of the Jesuits | M Paul Bert | DX1C14 |
Pocket Law Lexicon | A W Motion | DX1C15 |
A Sequel to the Female Jesuit | Mrs S Luke | DX1C16 |
The Female Jesuit or Spy in the Sky | Mrs S Luke | DX1C17 |
The Jesuits | Alban Goodier S J | DX1C18 |
Smuts of South Africa | Dorothy Wilson | DX1C19 |
The Secret World of Opus Dei | Michael Walsh | DX1C20 |
Ecclesiastical Biography Vol I AAR-BAR | Walter Farquhar Hook | DX1C21 |
Ecclesiastical Biography Vol 4 CHIL-ERA | Walter Farquhar Hook | DX1C22 |
A Good Poor Mans Wife | Claudia L Bushman | DX1C23 |
The Desert of the Exodus Vol I | E H Palmer | DX1C24 |
The Flowering of New England | Van Wyck Brooks | DX1C25 |
Alexander Raleigh: Records of His Life | Mary Raleigh | DX1C26 |
Voices of To-Day | Hugh Sinclair | DX1C27 |
History of the Jesuits | G B Nicolini | DX1C28 |
Jesuitism: or Catholic Action | S Hanna | DX1C29 |
The Proof of Guilt | Granville Williams | DX1C30 |
Letters | Samuel Rutherford | DX1C31 |
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | James Joyce | DX1C32 |
Ireland:The Rock whence I was Hewn | Donn Byrne | DX1C33 |
Peter Mackenzie His Life and Labours | Joseph Dawson | DX1C34 |
The Bible Hand-Book Intro to the Sacred Scriptures | Joseph Angus | DX1D1 |
Studies in the Life of Christ | A M Fairbairn D.D. | DX1D2 |
The Problem of the Old Testament | James Orr | DX1D3 |
Church History Vol 2 | Professor Kurtz | DX1D4 |
Christianity Rightly So Called | Samuel G Craig | DX1D5 |
Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments | Geerhardus Vos | DX1D6 |
Thunder on the Right, Protest and Fundamentalists | Gary K Clabaugh | DX1D7 |
We dare to say Our Father | Louie Evely | DX1D8 |
The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle | Anon | DX1D9 |
These Hundred Years 1831 - 1931 | Albert Peel | DX1D10 |
Oswald Chambers His Life and Work | Dinsdale T Young | DX1D11 |
Colton Mather The Puritan Priest | Barrett Wendell | DX1D12 |
Rome and the Early Christians | Lucius M Pisa | DX1D13 |
The Students Catholic Doctrine | Charles Hart | DX1D14 |
The Scottish Church 1688-1843 | Andrew L Drummond and | DX1D15 |
The Gospel Magazine and Protestant Beacon | Anon | DX1D16 |
The Christian Witness and Church Members Magazine | Anon | DX1D17 |
The Expectation of the Poor | Guillermo Cook | DX1D18 |
History of the Jesuits Vol 3 | Andrew Steinmetz | DX1D19 |
The Commandments explained | Rev A Devine | DX1D20 |
Compendium of Chronology | F H Jaquemet | DX1D21 |
The Giants and How to Fight Them | R Newton | DX1D22 |
Daniel Quorm and His Religious Notions | Mark Guy Pearse | DX1D23 |
The Party Coloured Mind | Daniel Reid | DX1D24 |
History of the Reformation Vol 1 | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1E1 |
History of the Reformation Vol 2 | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1E2 |
History of the Reformation Vol 3 | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1E3 |
History of the Reformation Vol 4 | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1E4 |
A History of Political Theology | George H Sabine | DX1E5 |
Soeur Therese of Lisieux | Sister Teresa | DX1E6 |
The English Church and Nation | R H Malden | DX1E7 |
Mountain Trailways for Youth | Mrs Chas E Cowman | DX1E8 |
The Unclouded Face | John A Patten | DX1E9 |
The New Year of Grace | Victor Gollancz | DX1E10 |
The Book of the Twelve Prophets | George Adam Smith | DX1E11 |
Israels Settlement in Canaan | C F Burney | DX1E12 |
Catholic Doctrines Explained | P Ryan | DX1E13 |
An Outline History of the Catholic Church | Reginald Walker | DX1E14 |
Mother Mary of the Passion | Dominic Devas | DX1E15 |
The Present Darkness and Coming Light | James M Gray | DX1E16 |
English Church in the Seventeenth Century | C Sydney Carter | DX1E17 |
General Beckwith His Life and Labours | J P Meille | DX1E18 |
Isaac and Jacob Their Life and Times | George Rawlinson | DX1E19 |
Abraham His Life and Times | William Deane | DX1E20 |
Famous English Sermons | Ashley Sampson | DX1E21 |
Collected Writings of J N Darby Vol 6 | J N Darby | DX1E22 |
The Hopes of the Church of God | J N D | DX1E23 |
Dissertations on the Prophesies Vol 2 | Thomas Newton | DX1E24 |
The Sayings and Doings of Benjamin Bobbin | Benjamin Bobbin | DX1E25 |
The Life of Rev Thos Collins | Samuel Coley | DX1E26 |
Believing Bishops | Simon Lee and Peter Stanford | DX1E27 |
Chapel | Kenneth Young | DX1E28 |
The Faith of Millions | John A OBrien | DX1E29 |
The Bible as History Revised | Werner Keller | DX1E30 |
A Hundred Years War 1865-1965 | Bernard Watson | DX1E31 |
Martin Luther | Edwin P Booth | DX1E32 |
Dissertation on the Prophesies Vol 1 | Thomas Newton | DX1E33 |
Opium of the People | Michael Bordeaux | DX1F1 |
Memoirs of the Verney Family | Francis and Margaret M Verney | DX1F2 |
Peoples Commentary on the Gospel according to Luke | Edwin W Rice | DX1F3 |
The Bible Triumphant in 2oth Century Research | C Wrquhart | DX1F4 |
Lectures on M Renans Vie de Jesus | John Tullock | DX1F5 |
Childrens Sunday Afternoons | Charles E Stone | DX1F6 |
Seventy Sermon Outlines | Henry Woodcock | DX1F7 |
The Forty Days of Scripture | W J P Walston | DX1F8 |
Revelation I - XI | W J Limmer Stoppard | DX1F9 |
History of the Reformation | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1F10 |
Orangeism | M W Dewer/John Brown/S E Long | DX1F11 |
Moral and Pastoral Theology | Henry Davis SJ | DX1F12 |
Halleys Bible Handbook | Henry H Halley | DX1F13 |
In the Light of His Coming | Philip Young | DX1F14 |
Between Malachi and St Matthew | Georgina M Forde | DX1F15 |
The Teachers Assistant and Bible-class Magazine Vol 17 | Anon | DX1F16 |
Let Wisdom Judge | Charles Simeon | DX1F17 |
The Teaching of the Catholic Church Vol 2 | George D Smith | DX1F18 |
The Teaching of the Catholic Church Vol 2 | George D Smith | DX1F19 |
The Soul of Prayer | P T Forsyth | DX1F20 |
At the Gate called Beautiful | O G Whitfield | DX1F21 |
The Punctuality of God | Ian Macpherson | DX1F22 |
The Cross in Holy Scripture | James Little | DX1F23 |
Epochs of Ancient History | R Bosworth Smith | DX1F24 |
Paisley -The Man and His Message | Ian R K Paisley | DX1F25 |
Miscellanies | Henry Edward Manning | DX1f26 |
Anatomy of a Church | Mario Rinvolucri | DX1F27 |
Islington Clerical Conference 1932- Protestantism | Anon | DX1F28 |
Christ is All Gospel of the Pentateuch | Henry Law | DX1F29 |
The Shorter Catechism Explained by Scripture | Thomas Vincent | DX1F30 |
The Great Folk of Old Marylebone | Margaret Baillie Saunders | DX1F31 |
The American Churches | Willam Warren Sweet | DX1F32 |
The Demon World of Jesus | Spiros Zodhiates | DX1F33 |
Cataracts of Revival | G J Morgan | DX1F34 |
The Presbyterian Magazine, Vol 1 | Anon | DX1F35 |
The History of the Gospel Standard Magazine 1935 - 1985 | B A Ramsbottom | DX1F36 |
Comprehensive Dictionary of Original Greek Words Vol 1 | W E Vine | DX1G1 |
Setona Hill Knockbreda Parish 1737 - 1987 | Ernest Wood | DX1G2 |
History of the Reformation Vol 4 | J H Merle DAubigne | DX1G3 |
The Ministers Concordance to the New Testament | A M A Graham | DX1G4 |
Twelve years in a Monastery | Joseph McCabe | DX1G5 |
Bible Echoes | James Wells | DX1G6 |
Notes on the Book of Genesis | Anon | DX1G7 |
The Devotional Commentary Vol 2 | C H Irwin & A R Buckland | DX1G8 |
Thoughts for Young Mothers | Elsie D Holsinger | DX1G9 |
Questions asked and answered by Our Lord | H W Morrow | DX1G10 |
These Remarkable Men | John A Patten | DX1G11 |
Priests, Women and Families | J Michelet | DX1G12 |
Our Lady of Fatima | Finbar Ryan O.P. | DX1G13 |
Prophetic Light for the Last Days | J J Gillatt | DX1G14 |
A Quiver of Arrows | Thomas Douglas | DX1G15 |
Christian Workers Commentary on the Whole Bible | James Gray | DX1G16 |
The Bible History in Pictures | Werner Keller | DX1G17 |
The Unity of the Pentateuch | A H Finn | DX1G18 |
The Contemporary Pulpit Vol 9 Jan June 1888 | Anon | DX1G19 |
The Presbyterian Churches | James Moffatt | DX1G20 |
A Strong City | John Monro Gibson | DX1G21 |
The Age of Humanism and Reformation | A C Dickens | DX1G22 |
Divine Mercy in my Soul | Sister M Faustina Kowalska | DX1G23 |
Mary Jones and Her Bible | Mary Carter | DX1G24 |
The Biblical Treasury Vol 1 | Anon | DX1G25 |
The Scripture Exposition Vol III | Charles Holland | DX1G26 |
The Convent A Narrative founded on Fact | R McCrindell | DX1G27 |
The Scripture Exposition Vol IV | Charles Holland | DX1G28 |
Calvinism | A Dakin | DX1G29 |
The Glories of Lourdes | Chanaine Rousseil | DX1G30 |
Thirty Thousand Thoughts | H D M Spence/Joseph S Exell/Charles Neil | DX1G31 |
Thirty Thousand Thoughts | S Exell/ Charles | DX1G32 |
Some Questions of Today | Henry Vace | DX1H1 |
Excelsior Helps to progress in Thought and Action Vol. 3 | Anon | DX1H2 |
A Treatise on the True Devotion to The Blessed Virgin Louis-Marie Grignon | Louis-Marie Grignon De Montford | DX1H3 |
Joseph the Pioneer | George A Parkinson | DX1H4 |
Challenging Youth | Frederick Wood | DX1H5 |
Gods Garden | Charles Brown & 13 Others | DX1H6 |
Hymns of Ter Steegen Suso and others | Frances Bevan | DX1H7 |
Twenty Years with Billy Sunday | Homer Rodenheaver | DX1H8 |
Chronicles of the Schonberg-cotta Family | Anon | DX1H9 |
A Bedside Book of Irish Saints | Aloysius Roche | DX1H10 |
Songs of the Glens of Antrim | Moira ONeill | DX1H11 |
The Study of the Bible | Ernest Cadman Colwell | DX1H12 |
How I Study my Bible | William Evans | DX1H13 |
What a child ought to know about the Bible | H R Stevenson | DX1H14 |
Some old Testament Parables | J Stuart-Holden | DX1H15 |
A Treatise on the Church of Christ | John Williams Whittaker | DX1H16 |
Sunday Afternoons with my Old Scholars | John Attenborough | DX1H17 |
Whatsoever Things are True | Simon Harverter | DX1H18 |
Discourses on the Book the Revelation | Alex Gregory | DX1H19 |
The Hive A Storehouse of Material Vol 6 | Anon | DX1H20 |
The Hive A Storehouse of Materials Vol 5 | Anon | DX1H21 |
How Shall I Study My Bible | M E &F A Markham | DX1H22 |
Sermons in Miniture | Alfred G Mortimer | DX1H23 |
The Fundamentals A Testimony to the Truth | R A Torrey | DX1H24 |
Methodist Magazine 1819 Vol 42 | Anon | DX1H25 |
Eternal Retribution | William Elbert Munsey | DX1H26 |
History of the Church of Christ Vol III | Joseph Milner | DX1H27 |
A Five Years Course of Bible and Prayer Book Teaching | Hobson/Sweetapple/Wagstaff | DX1H28 |
The Coming Prince The Last Great Monarch of Christendom | Robert Anderson | DX1H29 |
Through the Ages Vol 2 | Francis E Barker | DX1H30 |
The Three Crosses | J W Falconer | DX1H31 |
Personal Evangelism among Catholics | Aniceto M Sparagna | DX1H32 |
People, Church and State inModern Russia | Paul B Anderson | DX1H33 |
The Jews from Cyrus to Herod | Norman H Snaith | DX1H34 |
England in the Twentieth Century | David Thomson | DX1H35 |
Freeway to Babylon | Talmage Wilson | DX1H36 |
The Dynamic of All-Prayer | G Granger Fleming | DX1H37 |
The Glory of Mary | James Augustine Stothert | DX1H38 |
Our Lady of Fatima | William Thomas Walsh | DX1H39 |
Forty Years in the Church of Christ | Charles Chiniquy | DX1H40 |
The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional | Father Chiniquy | DX1H41 |