Bannside Library, 135-139 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast
Reading Room – Sooty – S
Title | Author | Ref |
A Compendious History of American Methodism | Abel Stevens | S1C11 |
A Free Church in a Free State? The Catholic Church, Italy, Germany, France 1864-1914 | Ernst C. Helmreich | S1A34 |
A Handbook of Church History | Samuel G. Green | S1D1 |
A Handbook on the Papacy | William Shaw Kerr | S1D9 |
A Handbook on the Papacy | Rt. Rev. William Shaw Kerr | S1C12 |
A History of the Early Church | J. W. C. Wand | S1H21 |
A History of the English Church in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries | W. W. Capes | S1D25 |
A History of the Medieval Church | M. Deanesly | S1E44 |
A Hymn Lovers Companion | C.P. Hancock | S1C21 |
A Modern Magdalen; Eve Lavallière | Fr. L.L. McReavy | S1A9 |
A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe Vol. II; A Century of Predominantly | ||
Industrial Society 1830-1935 | S1C34 | |
A Question of Conscience | Charles Davis | S1E36 |
A Second Year’s Talks to Children | Edgar P. Dickie | S1E43 |
A Short History of Russia | Lawrence Wolfe | S1H36 |
Abraham Lincoln’s Daily Treasures | Thomas Freiling | S1D13 |
American Protestantism | Winthrop S. Hudson | S1E28 |
An Historian’s Approach to Religion | Arnold Toynbee | S1C22 |
An Introduction to the History of the Christian Church | Wilfred W. Biggs | S1C24 |
Ancient Christian Writers; Tertullian; Treatises on Penance | Tertullian & W. P. Le Saint | S1G19 |
And Would You Believe It? The Story of the Nicene Creed | Bernard Bassett | S1C27 |
Anglicanism | W. H. Carnegie | S1E47 |
Anglicanism and the Lambeth Conferences | Alan M.G. Stephenson | S1F17 |
Anglicanism in History & Today | J. W. C. Wand | S1H9 |
Annual Report of the British Group Inter- Parliamentary Union 1996 | S1C32 | |
Answers to Catholic Claims; A Discussion of Biblical Authority | James R. White | S1F1 |
Apostate | Forrest Reid | S1F20 |
Ballymascanlon | C. Daly & S. Worrall | S1D17 |
Bethlehem to Olivet | John Palmer | S1E21 |
Bulwarks of the Faith | James M. Gray | S1E27 |
But the Bible does not say so | Roberto Nisbet | S1E29 |
Calvin’s Tracts Vol. III | John Calvin | S1E14 |
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. Thessalonians. | S1A25 | |
Carson | H. Montgomery Hyde | S1H11 |
Catechism of the Catholic Church | S1A29 | |
Catholic Catechism. Book One | The Australian Hierarchy | S1A33 |
Catholic Emancipation; Daniel O’Connell and the Birth of Irish Democracy | Fergus O’Ferrall | S1C29 |
Catholicism in England 1535-1935 | David Mathew | S1A1 |
Charles M. Alexander; A Romance of Song and Soul- Winning | H. C. Alexander & J. K. Maclean | S1C9 |
Charter for Britain | P.N. Walker Taylor | S1G38 |
Christian England; Its Story to the Reformation | David L. Edwards | S1G39 |
Christianity among the New Zealanders | William Williams | S1H28 |
Christianity and Comparative Religion | J. N. D. Anderson | S1D16 |
Church and Society in England; Henry VIII to James I | F. Heal & R. O’Day | S1C15 |
Church and State in England & Wales 1829-1906 | Michael J.F. McCarthy | S1G21 |
Church History | Professor Kurtz | S1D22 |
Church History | Professor Kurtz | S1D23 |
Converted on LSD Trip | David Clarke | S1A3 |
Counterfeit Miracles | B.B. Warfield | S1F3 |
Dissent and Descent; Essays on Methodism and Roman Catholicism | Brian Frost, Leo Pyle et al. | S1A36 |
Dr. Isabel Mitchell of Manchura Dr. I Manchura & Rev. F.W.S. O’Neill | S1C1 | |
Elisha the Man of Abel- Meholah | Mrs. O.F. Walton | S1G31 |
England Before and After Wesley | J. Wesley Bready | S1D8 |
Essays Congregational and Catholic | Albert Peel | S1H16 |
Europe of the Dictators 1919-1945 | Elizabeth Wiskemann | S1E25 |
Evangelical Belief | John Broadhurst Nichols | S1F41 |
Evangelical Calvinism | Arthur Stone | S1E7 |
Every Man has His Golden Chance; With Other Proverbs Stories for Boys and Girls | Mrs J.H. Riddell | S1F32 |
Explanation of the Thirty Nine Articles | A. P. Forbes | S1E15 |
Far From Rome Near to God; Personal; Testimonies of Fifty Converted Roman Catholic Priests | Richard Bennett & Martin Buckingham et al | S1G10 |
Final Steps in Christian Maturity | Jeanne Guyon | S1H32 |
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs | Rev. J. Foxe | S1F49 |
Genesis the Third: History, not Fable | Edward White | S1H43 |
George Herbert’s Poetical Works | George Gilfillan | S1D21 |
German Protestantism and the Right of Private Judgment | Edward H. Dewar | S1G30 |
Gorbachev Glasnost & The Gospel | Michael Bourdeaux | S1G15 |
Gospel People?: Evangelicalism and the Future of Anglicanism | John Martin | S1H31 |
Half-Hour in God’s Older Picture Gallery | J. G. Greenhough | S1H38 |
Hammersmith Protestant Discussion | J. Cumming & D. French | S1A10 |
Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students; the Principles of Protestantism | Rev. J.P. Lilley | S1F43 |
Hildebrand and his Times | W. R. W. Stephens | S1E39 |
How God Wants Us to Worship Him; A Defense of the Bible as the Only Standard for | ||
Modern Worship | Joe Morecraft, III | S1A4 |
I Believe! | Wilfred G. Hurley | S1D32 |
In God’s Name | David Yallop | S1A19 |
In Understanding Be Men | T. C. Hammond | S1H30 |
Inside the Council; The Story of Vatican II | Robert Kaiser | S1G37 |
Inside the Roman Church | J.W. Poynter | S1F23 |
Inside the Roman Church | J. W. Poynter | S1E40 |
Invitation to Love | Thomas Keating | S1E3 |
Islington Clerical Conference 1938; The Bible- Its Witness in History and its Relevance Today Multiple Authors | S1G9 | |
John Calvin’s Sermons on Ephesians | John Calvin | S1A26 |
John Gerard; The Autobiography of an Elizabethan | J. Gerard & P. Caraman | S1C13 |
Joseph; Beloved-Hated- Exalted | F.B. Meyer | S1C5 |
Larson’s Book of Cults | Bob Larson | S1G16 |
Last Essays of the Earl of Birkenhead | Macmillan & Birkenhead | S1C33 |
Lectures and Essays of William Robertson Smith | W.R. Smith | S1G23 |
Lessons from the Hymn Book | S1E46 | |
Lessons on the Life of Our Lord | Eugene Stock | S1E48 |
Let God be God | Philip S. Watson | S1H27 |
Letters of Herbert Hensley Henson | Evelyn Foley Braley | S1D34 |
Letters to Butler | Robert Southey | S1D2 |
Life Chords; With My Song Will I Praise Him | Frances Ridley Havergal | S1G34 |
London Letters and Some Others | George W. Smalley | S1C17 |
Loneliness | Robert Hugh Benson | S1F15 |
Luther in Protestantism Today | Merle William Boyer | S1D28 |
Man; The Conference Sermon and Papers from the 14 th Annual Conference May 1928 | Sovereign Grace Union | S1F10 |
Meekness With Majesty; Finding Reality at the Cross | E. David Cassells | S1F6 |
Messages from Heaven; A Biblical Examination of the Queen of Heaven’s Messages | ||
in the End Times | Jim Tellow | S1G3 |
Michael Ramsey: A Life | Owen Chadwick | S1D19 |
Modern Eucharistic Agreement | Rt. Rev. Alan C. Clark | S1F8 |
Moral Guidance | Edwin F. Healy | S1E35 |
Morals and Man | Gerald Vann | S1F35 |
Night Journey From Rome | Clark Butterfield | S1E8 |
Notes on the Scripture Lessons 1933 | S1E45 | |
Orangeism: The Canadian Phase | Hereward Senior | S1G12 |
Our Priceless Heritage; A Study of Christian Doctrine in Contrast with Romanism | Henry M. Woods | S1A16 |
Out of the Labyrinth | L.H. Lehmann | S1G8 |
Outline Studies on I John | R. A. Torrey | S1H33 |
Outlines of Bible Knowledge | S. G. Messmer | S1E20 |
Outlines of Prayer Book History | W. Prescott Upton | S1G24 |
Pearls from Calvary; Meditations on the Seven Sayings from the Cross | J. Farquharson Jones | S1F34 |
Pearls of Wisdom | Harry Millner | S1C7 |
Persons and Ideals | William M. Macgregor | S1A22 |
Pope or Gospel? | David Samuel | S1E12 |
Pope or Gospel? | David Samuel | S1E13 |
Popery in Politics. Vol. I | A Layman | S1A28 |
Popery in Politics. Vol. II | A Layman | S1A27 |
Popery, Puseyism, Jesuitism | Luigi Desanctis | S1A31 |
Praying for Unity; A Handbook of Studies, Meditations and Prayers | M. Hurley, S.J et al. | S1A8 |
Preaching the Eternities | Hamish C. Mackenzie | S1H12 |
Priests and People in Ireland | Michael J.F.M. McCarthy | S1C28 |
Primitive Christianity; Its Writings and Teachings in Their Historical Connections. Vol. III | Otto Pfleiderer | S1C18 |
Protestant Discussion Held at Hammersmith (NOTE: Letter referring to book still within) | J. Cumming & D. French | S1H22 |
Protestant Island | Arthur Bryant | S1G36 |
Protestant Principles | J. Monro Gibson | S1F47 |
Protestant Principles | J. Monro Gibson | S1H24 |
Protestant Progress and Papal Claims | David Cathels | S1H40 |
Protestantism | Rev. W.R. Inge | S1F37 |
Protestantism | Rev. W.R. Inge | S1F46 |
Protestantism | Rev. W.R. Inge | S1F48 |
Protestantism and Capitalism; The Weber Thesis and Its Critics | Robert W. Green | S1A35 |
Protestantism in America | Jerald C. Brauer | S1G7 |
Quiet Talks on Service | S. D. Gordon | S1E41 |
Radiant Christianity; Life Story of Henry Drummond | Albert H. Walker | S1F12 |
Real Christianity | William Wilberforce | S1A15 |
Reformation and Revolution 1558-1660 | Robert Ashton | S1F26 |
Religion in Victorian Britain | Gerald Parsons | S1H5 |
Religious Authority in an Age of Doubt | Rupert E. Davis | S1G2 |
Religious Thought in the Last Quarter Century | S1C23 | |
Reminiscences of the “Lovingkindness of the Lord” | W. E. Bond | S1D36 |
Revolution in Rome | David F. Wells | S1E10 |
Rills from the Fountain of Life | Rev. Richard Newton | S1F21 |
Roman Catholicism | Loraine Boettner | S1A23 |
Roman Catholicism; The Doctrines of the Church of Rome Briefly Examined in the Light | ||
of the Scripture | Rev. Charles H.H. Wright | S1F25 |
Romanism and the Gospel | Anderson Scott | S1D7 |
Romans | Principal Brown | S1H19 |
Rome and Jerusalem | Moses Hess | S1H8 |
Rome and Reform. Vol. I | T.L. Kington Oliphant | S1A7 |
Rome and Reform. Vol. II | T.L. Kington Oliphant | S1A6 |
Roughing It | Mark Twain | S1E32 |
Runcie; the Making of an Archbishop | Margaret Duggan | S1F18 |
Scarlet Ribbons; A Priest with Aids | Rosemary Bailey | S1F28 |
Scotland & the Papacy; Pope John Paul II’s Visit in Perspective | John Cooney | S1A14 |
Scotland’s Debt to Protestantism | Hector MacPherson | S1H41 |
Secrets of Romanism | Joseph Zacchello | S1F5 |
Set All Afire; A Novel of St. Francis Xavier | Louis De Wohl | S1C4 |
Short Treatise on the Religious State | S1E2 | |
Sketches from Church History | S. M. Houghton | S1D12 |
Smokescreens; Who is the “Whore” of Revelation? A Biblical and Historical Answer | Jack T. Chick | S1F29 |
Soldier Saint | Bernard Watson | S1H1 |
Some Moral Proofs of the Resurrection | Elmitt Browne | S1D27 |
Southern White Protestantism in the Twentieth Century | Kenneth K. Bailey | S1E38 |
Spiritual Authority in the Church of England | Edward Charles Rich | S1H15 |
St. Peter’s Banker: Michele Sindona | Luigi DiFonzo | S1A20 |
Standing Against the Whirlwind; Evangelical Episcopalians in 19 th Century America | Diana Hochstedt Butler | S1C14 |
Stories of Visions, Dreams & Voices as Recorded in the Bible | Rev. R. A. West | S1F24 |
Stronger than Rome | W. E. Moore | S1E16 |
Structures of Deceit; Papal Sin | Garry Wills | S1A17 |
Studies on the Times of Abraham | Rev. Henry G. Tomkins | S1C10 |
Summarium Theologiae Moralis | Antonius M. Arregui | S1E24 |
Sundays At Balmoral; Sermons Preached Before Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland | Rev. John Tulloch | S1G27 |
The Anatomy of Power | James Margach | S1H35 |
The Answer is God; The Story of Dale Evans & Roy Rogers | Elise Miller Davis | S1C2 |
The Apostle Paul’s Reply to Lord Halifax | Walter Wynn | S1A5 |
The Apostolic Ministry | Kenneth E. Kirk | S1D3 |
The Authority of William Jay | William Jay | S1G22 |
The Baptist Confession of Faith 1689 | S1E30 | |
The Beast and the End- Time Event | Zomaya S. Solomon | S1G14 |
The Berean Expositor Vol. XII | S1F9 | |
The Bible in Relation to the Church of Rome and the higher Criticism | Florence Bartoli | S1E18 |
The Book of Friends: A Year’s Sunday School Lessons | S1E42 | |
The British Churches Today | Kenneth Slack | S1F14 |
The British Monarchy & The See of Rome | Michael McCarthy | S1A13 |
The Broken Cross | Piers Compton | S1E37 |
The Carson Trail | Sam Wilson | S1G28 |
The Catholic Church | Alfred Baudrillart | S1H25 |
The Catholic Reformation | Pierre Janelle | S1G1 |
The Catholicity of Protestantism | R. N. Flew & R. E. Davis | S1F45 |
The Charismatic Renewal and the Irish Experience | Thomas Flynn | S1D18 |
The Children’s Sunday Bookcase; The New Line Upon Line | J.E. Hodder Williams | S1F36 |
The Christ, The Church and The Child | Carey Bonner | S1D6 |
The Christian Tradition 2; The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700) | Jaroslav Pelikan | S1F27 |
The Church Now; An Inquiry Into the State of the Catholic Church in Ireland and Britain | J. Cumming & P. Burns | S1C30 |
The Church Through the Centuries | Cyril Charles Richardson | S1C26 |
The Classic Preachers of the English Church; Lectures Delivered at St. James’s Church | John E. Kempe et al. | S1A21 |
The Coloured Bible for the Young | S1F33 | |
The Complete Plain Words | Sir Ernest Gowers | S1F19 |
The Cross, the Font, and the Altar; Addresses for Holy Week | H.T. Knight | S1G33 |
The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ | H. P. Liddon | S1D26 |
The Doctrine of the Prophets | A. F. Kirkpatrick | S1H39 |
The English Church and the Papacy | Z. N. Brooke | S1D4 |
The English Free Churches | Horton Davies | S1H20 |
The Fair Haven | Samuel Butler | S1C3 |
The Free Church of Scotland: The Crisis of 1900 | A. Stewart & J. K. Cameron | S1H6 |
The Future of catholic Christianity | Michael de la Bedoyere | S1G25 |
The God of Truth | Peter Trumper | S1H4 |
The Good News of Mark’s Year | Silvester O’Flynn | S1E1 |
The Great Evangelical Disaster | Francis A. Schaeffer | S1F13 |
The Great Reformation; A Wide- Ranging Survey of the Beginnings of Protestantism | R.Tudur Jones | S1A12 |
The Greatest Thing in the World, and Other Addresses | Henry Drummond | S1F38 |
The Hammersmith Protestant Discussion; A Report of The Controversial Discussion | ||
Between Rev. John Cumming and Daniel French | Charles Maybury Archer | S1F42 |
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow | Constance Cumbey | S1D15 |
The Hidden Secrets of Convent Life; Terror Behind Locked Doors | Maria Monk | S1F7 |
The History of the Christian Church | F. J. Foakes Jackson | S1H2 |
The History of the Reformation in Scotland | John Knox | S1C25 |
The Holy Bible | S1C19 | |
The Hymns of Charles Wesley: A Study of their Structure | R. Newton Flew | S1H29 |
The Joy of the Ministry | F. R. Wynne | S1D24 |
The Laurels and the Tiara; Pope Pius II, 1458-1464 | R.J. Mitchell | S1A18 |
The Life of Christ in the Words of the Gospel | S1E9 | |
The Life of St Paul | James Stalker | S1H42 |
The Life of St. Joseph | Edward Healy Thompson | S1A11 |
The Life of St. Patrick and His Place in History | J.B. Bury | S1G4 |
The Life of the Rev. William Arnot | A. Fleming | S1D5 |
The Light of the Morning | E. G. R. Swain | S1H37 |
The Living Church | Hans Küng | S1E34 |
The Living Church Series; The Preachers of the Church | A.E. Garvie M.A | S1A24 |
The Marvels of Grace | Oswald J. Smith | S1F31 |
The Ministry of God’s Word | Watchman Nee | S1D20 |
The Mystery of Iniquity | F.V. Dabold | S1G11 |
The Mystery of Portrock | Ambrose Haynes | S1G32 |
The New Testament; Its Authorship, Date and Worth | J. Agar Beet | S1G26 |
The Newgate Calendar | S1E11 | |
The Number of Man | Philip Mauro | S1H7 |
The Nun’s Story; Gabrielle Van der Mal | Kathryn Hulme | S1C16 |
The One Hundred Texts of the Irish Church Missions | T.C. Hammond | S1G5 |
The One Hundred Texts of the Irish Church Missions | T.C. Hammond | S1G17 |
The One Hundred Texts of the Irish Church Missions | T.C. Hammond | S1G18 |
The One Hundred Texts of the Irish Church Missions | Henry Fishe | S1E31 |
The Papacy | John P. McKnight | S1A30 |
The Pathway to the Stars | Lionel B. Fletcher | S1D35 |
The Persistent Prejudice; Anti- Catholicism in America | Michael Schwartz | S1F2 |
The Persistent Prejudice; Anti- Catholicism in America | Michael Schwartz | S1F4 |
The Plotters and Their Victim | Robinetta E. Oak | S1D33 |
The Poor Man’s Cry; A Collection of Prayers Recorded in the Holy Scriptures | S1C8 | |
The Pope’s Armada | Gordon Urquhart | S1F40 |
The Priesthood of The Lord Jesus Christ and Protestant Principles with Conference Sermon. | ||
Seventeenth Annual Conference May 1931. | Sovereign Grace Union | S1G35 |
The Protestant Churches of America | John A. Hardon | S1E22 |
The Protestant’s Armory | Anon. | S1F44 |
The Purple and the Scarlet | Guy Schofield | S1H10 |
The Roman Catechism; The Catechism of the Council of Trent. | S1A32 | |
The Royal House of Stuart Vol. I | Samuel Cowan | S1D10 |
The Royal House of Stuart Vol. II | Samuel Cowan | S1D11 |
The Saints in Art | Margaret E. Tabor | S1E26 |
The Scottish Church | C. Stewart Black | S1E33 |
The Shroud | John Walsh | S1G6 |
The Story of the Solar System | George F. Chambers | S1F50 |
The Structural Principles of the Bible | F.E. Marsh | S1G13 |
The Theology of a Protestant Catholic | Adrian Hastings | S1C6 |
The Thirty-Nine Articles | B.J. Kidd | S1F39 |
The Throne of Eloquence; Great Preachers, Ancient and Modern | E. Paxton Hood | S1A2 |
The Trinity in Contemporary Theology | Claude Welch | S1H26 |
The Unsafe Anchor or “Eternal Hope’, A False Hope | Rev. C.F. Childe | S1F51 |
The Wall Between Us | B. King & L. Juliana | S1E17 |
The Way it Worked Out | G. B. Stern | S1E5 |
Thirteen for Christ. Selection of Biographies | Melville Harcourt et al. | S1G20 |
Thirteen Keys; To the 13 Horned Beast of Revelation 13 | Thomas Bissell Windham | S1G29 |
This Way To Heaven | James McGlinchey | S1D30 |
Thomas Cromwell and the English Reformation | A.G. Dickens | S1F11 |
Thoughts for the Sundays of the Year | H. C. G. Moule | S1H3 |
Tithing | R. T. Kendall | S1E23 |
To the Church of England | Gareth Bennett | S1H34 |
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Gospel According to St. John | R. V. G. Tasker | S1H17 |
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Thessalonians | Leon Morris | S1H18 |
Types and Shadows of our Saviour in the Old Testament | T. Taylor | S1E19 |
Ways of Worship | Pehr Edwall | S1H14 |
What Catholics Really Believe | Karl Keating | S1D14 |
What God Wants | Frank Wallace | S1H13 |
What is the Index? | Redmond A. Burke | S1E4 |
What Mean These Stones? The Significance of Archaeology for the Study of the Bible | Millar Burrows | S1F22 |
When the World Will be as One; the Coming New World Order in the New Age | Tal Brooke | S1F30 |
When Ye Pray | Dom Bernard Clements | S1D31 |
Which Way? | E. J. Whately | S1H23 |
William Robertson Nicoll; Life and Letters | T.H. Darlow | S1C20 |
Writings of Thomas E. Peck. Vol. I | T. E. Peck & T.C. Johnson | S1F16 |
You and Yours | Martin J. Scott | S1D29 |
You Can Lead Roman Catholics to Christ | Wilson Ewin | S1C31 |
You’d Better Come Quietly | Leonard Feeney | S1E6 |